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Our Goal

Our goal is to help continue spreading awareness on the issue of plastic pollution. You can help us spread more awareness and have a larger outreach by sharing this website or discussing the issue of plastic pollution with others. By simply taking the time to visit our website and learn more about plastic pollution, you are helping us achieve our goal!




We want our website to help provide others with resources to make their impact, with a variety of different options for those with different circumstances. By visiting our Take Action page, we have provided links that lead to organizations who are making their stand about this issue, where you can donate or volunteer to help them out. We also have a sharing challenge for those who don't have want to donate or volunteer, which is simply to share this website with at least one other person. This will help raise awareness and create a stronger community of people who care about our issue. If you want to share your impact with us, you can also go to our Contact Us page linked below as well. We would love to hear from you!

Whether you share this website, decide to volunteer or donate to the Hudson River, or find your own way to make an impact, we hope this website helped inspire you to make a change!

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