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This issue is HUGE. We already know that. So you may be wondering how on earth we can possibly help. Well, you and I, the consumers of plastic goods in Connecticut and New York, may actually have the biggest impact on the fate of the Hudson River. One super easy solution you can implement in your everyday life is to simply limit the amount of single-use plastic you use. This is important because reusable plastics are one of the most common pollutants of this river. In one Hudson River clean-up by Riverkeeper, they found over 1,500 plastic bottles and over 1,000 single-use plastic bags. That's a lot of plastic, especially to be found in one clean-up alone. So what can you do? Use a reusable water bottle. For one, they're way more attractive, plus loads better for the environement. Use reusable grocery bags, which are more durable than plastic ones anyway. Don't use plastic utensils when you get fast food, bring your own silverwear if you can. Use metal or reusable straws. Simple actions like that have a huge positive effect on the environment, and by doing something as simple as using a reusable water bottle, you could be saving hundreds of lives. If you do use single-use plastics, though, like milk jugs and soda rings, please recycle them. Reusing plastic will prevent it from reaching the oceans and rivers at all, and that could help save our planet.


Now, what if you don't live in New York or Connecticut but still want to help? First of all, you should still recycle and limit plastic goods-the ocean and your local waterways will thank you- but if you want to directly help the Hudson River, do not fear. You have a very powerful gift you can use that could possibly make the biggest impact of all: your voice. Spreading awareness is the first step in any problem that needs to be solved- if no one knows about it, how can it be fixed? We strongly believe that spreading information and educating others could be what saves this river. So, we encourage everyone to join us in our Sharing Challenge. We challenge you to share this cause with at least one other person right now. Email them the link to this website. Talk to them about it. Show them our Instagram. Whatever method you choose, doing this and asking them to do the same could have more of an impact than you could ever know. By repeating this process, we will work towards creating an educational chain, and we will build a community of peope who care. Then, we can take the next steps in our quest for a clean environment. So please, share this with someone else. In just one simple action, you could be an important part of the mission that could save the Hudson River.


Finally, there is that last solution we are presenting you with today: donate to other causes who are making their stand. There are many: ones specifically targeting the Hudson River, and others mainly focusing on the oceans and other waterways. We've linked some sources we feel have made a great impact on our environment and linked them to our Take Action page here on this website. If you can, we ask you to donate to one of these websites, as you could help support other organizations that are sparking change and doing amazing work to save our planet. If you have the means to do so, donating would be a wonderful, highly appreciated method to help clean up the rivers and oceans we've polluted so badly. Together, we can solve this.


Donation/Volunteer Opportunities:
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